London Style News: The Shoe Update

This Monday I have woken up to a glorious sunshine, which always puts me on a good mood, like any other sun starved gay in the world. It is not only the weather that is making me happy, I have new things I am obsessed with and only fair that I share the news with my lovely people in NYC. It’s now April and things are looking up as far as this year is coming along. I have been hitting the gym like a maniac, ready for shorts, tank top and flip flops! Can’t wait for the weather to get a little warmer yet. Whoop! However, there are few things that I wanted to get you guys to pay attention to and here we go...The Hurly Burly ShowLast night I witnessed the start of a burlesque revolution in the form of The Hurly Burly Show. The show is all about the fabulous Miss Polly Rae and her very talented team of Hurly Burly Girlies. I have kind of “gone off” burlesque as there are SO many so called stars doing their version and it never really impresses me. This all changed last night and I was literally blown away (ahem). Now, I know you are thinking that I am being particularly mean, telling you about a show that you can’t see in your side of the bond. However, I am planning a one man campaign to get this show on the road all over world. I am being dead serious. This show is all singing all dancing experience, with nipple tassels, g-strings, 6 inch heels and flame throwing. These girls are spicing up London’s West End and I would strongly advise you all to keep an eye on them. This show is going to be HUGE. For more details, click to

My Swatch WatchNow, you all know I like rubbery things, especially when it comes to watches. We shall leave the other accessories without a mention. The beauty with these watches is that they come in every imaginable colour. You can easily mix and match them to the rest of your wardrobe. I mean seriously, how much fun. I currently LOVE my grey one. Planning to get a few more. Surprisingly enough, today my watch matches my underwear. I rule. End of. You can of course get your own from

My Converse TrainersSeriously. The grey theme continues. I adore these trainers. I in fact have these in two colours. The ones in grey as pictured and the other are in black and red. Totally obsessed. The thing with converse are that you can actually wear them with anything, minus Speedo of course. I work mine with mu black suit, just to bring it down to casual if needed. I wear them with jeans, shorts and so forth. You can go wrong with converse. This is an age old story, but I am here to tell you that they are still going strong. Get yours from

So, this week, I am obsessed with nipple tassels, glitter, g-strings and apparently everything to do with the colour grey. What are you obsessed about?

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