Love Actually Wednesdays: Jason & Tyler

Couple: Jason & Tyler

How long have you been together: This couple's been together for 4 1/2 years (That's almost a century in Gay!)

Where did you meet: In college--they both auditioned for the same role for a play. (Tyler got picked--it was jealously & sparks that brought them together)

Where are they from: Both are from North Carolina but they've been living in New York city for a few years.

EXTRA BONUS GOSSIP: 1 1/2 year ago they got a puppy named Nathan. (Forgot to ask what kind, sue me!)

Where was your first date: They didn't have an official date because they where friends for a long time, so they use to go out all the time. (Sounds complicated & dirty to me--and by that I mean sexy!)

Do you think people should have sex on the first day? I think gay couples have sex on the first date but they should not... but they do it.

Dating tip/advice for our readers: Smile at your partner everyday.

What do you think? Should you sleep together on the first date? Why or why not? Leave a comment.

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