Where are the Happy Couples?

Are birds happy? Lizards? What about pandas; they’re cuddly, they must be happy, right? I guess a dog can be happy and we see it when it wags it tail–but what about couples? I’ve learned through the years that you never know what’s going on behind closed doors; what appears ideal and beautiful might not be so. And in a time when gadgets,  technology and relationships are supposed to bring us joy–I can’t help but wonder, “Where are the happy couples?” Do they exist, really? Or are they just keeping up appearances?

Cris: And it was only 8 months?

Nando: Yes.

Cris: Well, it happens.

Nando: But how do 8 months pass and then a break up? Why not earlier? That’s the 3rd couple I know that hasn’t made it past 9. What bugs you at 8 months that didn’t at 3?

Cris: Maybe someone cheated?

Nando: So what–they meet someone at a bar and say, “Oh I can’t go home with you tonight, I”m in a relationship…”7 months” but try me next month–it’ll be 8, you know. Is there a code I don’t know about?

Cris: No code, everyone sees relationships different and they try the best they can with what they have. I have Oprah. And besides, Courtney Cox and David Arquette are divorcing. And they’ve been together a long time. And don’t tell me Jennifer Aniston isn’t a little happy.

Nando: And have you heard of the couples who get a joint Facebook account?

Cris: How does that work?

Nando: It would be like Barbara and David sharing an account with the name “Barvid”.

Cris: Well, I break into my husband’s accounts–just to make sure everything’s on track.

Nando: Yeah, but that’s healthy, it means there’s distrust, lies, and sneaking around going on, you know, the normal stuff. Getting a joint account is just creepy and wrong.

Cris: Yeah, some people are just freaks I guess. They’ll never be happy. Oh, I gotta go–the hubby just got a friend request that I have to check out.

Happiness comes in all sorts of sizes, flavors, and packages–it would be a shame if we all thought and felt the shame same way–and that part of humanity I can dig.

What I can’t wrap my fingers around is the idea of following a pre-made idea of happiness that’s been passed down from generation to generation and culture to culture.

How can you discover what truly makes you happy if you don’t trash outside influences and start fresh–a blank canvas–if you will. You come from a family of lawyers but wanna be a fisherman–go for it. You’re Muslim but wanna become a Baptist and sing country western music–go for it. Your mother’s a slut and you also wanna be a slut–hey, I hear Hollywood is looking for a gal like you. Find your happiness–create it–on your own terms–see what happens. Maybe I should follow my own advice on this one.

What are your rules for happiness? Do rules even exist? Leave a comment.

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