Why You Should Consider Doing a Background Check on the Person You’re Dating

Dating times are changing–no longer do we sit around and cry over a bad boy like Olivia Newton-John did in Grease or tolerate getting smacked around like Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors or Rihanna; we take things into our own hands–we google a person before we go out on a date with them to get as much information on them before hand.

But is that enough? When you think about it–honestly, you wouldn’t let a stranger who just knocked on your door inside your home–would you? But yet, we go online and randomly select strangers to meet up and we think that’s safer.

And what if after a few dates you think–this is the one! But you were still unsure about a few things…he really won’t talk about his past or she really never mentions her family…and that little voice inside you keeps saying “Something’s not right.” Do you ignore it? No, you hire Skipp from Sherlock Investigations, Inc. to dig a little deeper. I’m sure Anne Hathaway will be hiring Skipp from now on!

Or what if you thought your spouse/partner was cheating? Would you want to know for sure?

Before you make up your mind–one way or another–tune into PART ONE of my interview with Skipp from Sherlock Investigations, Inc and find out some of the shocking things he’s seen on the job, and who exactly is hiring Skipp and his organization? You’ll be surprised to hear which type of clients hire him more! Listen as Skipp reports on the one time he was actually caught following someone.

You can follow Skipp on Twitter @Number1PI — he’s definitely one to follow because he believes that if a door closes, pick the lock!

Listen to internet radio with nandoism on Blog Talk Radio

Would you ever do a background check on someone you're dating? Would you hire a private investigator to find out your spouse is cheating? Would you continue to date someone who did a background check on you? Leave your comment.

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