Date Slow: Taking Your Time When Dating

Today, we celebrate fast: fast food, fast internet, fast times. Does this mean we have lost the appreciation of slow? Slow seems to be an art form we no longer care for. Sure we can quickly update a status through a phone in under 1 minute or retweet someone in less than 30 seconds, but what happened to slow? Slow is good. Slow is undervalued. There are certain things that can't be celebrated under the umbrella of fast + speedy, like dating and relationships.

When you date someone, learn to relax, this comes with time. When you date someone, actively listen. Slow down and ask questions, have a nice and steady pace when telling your story. Need to kill some time instead of rushing into a text battle? Make some detox water and let the act sooth you. All these things lead up to a huge reveal that can't be rushed when time is on your side, if you let it.

Slow down and get to know someone when they're having a bad day, when they experience joy + excitement. Slow down to understand why what you just said, hurt their feelings.Give yourself and the relationship the respect is deserved by slowing down to realize that the argument you just started, wasn't necessary. When we come from "quickness" + "hurry it up" we miss several cues and clues about the other person and ourselves. Wondering what you've already missed in the hustle and bustle of your life?

Idea: Stop sabotaging your dates/relationships because you want to fast-forward to the good parts....something beautiful can't be rushed.There's a reason why the turtle won the race against the rabbit, it wasn't just because he was slow and steady, but because he realized he was on a journey that required him to be present. What are you missing right now because you're in a rush to get in and get out? Pace yourself and have a taste of slow.

Is your relationship ready for the next level -- slowing it down? Leave a comment and let's discuss.

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